A Best Seller Love Story Written by God: Transforming our Perspectives on Romance

Always a chaperon in your friends’ date? Tired of bouncing into several relationships that is always doomed to fail? Fed up with love chains and fortunetellers who keep you waiting for a perfect relationship with your partner? Falling into illusion of meeting the ‘right one’? Don’t fret. This book has an ultimate solution for that.

Perhaps your friends have been pressuring you. Teasing you nonchalantly for being single for a long time, which makes you feel insecure about yourself and to others who are seemingly secured with their partners. Just when you thought you’re romantically helpless because you’re status never changes from single among your “in-a-relationship” circle of friends; you will discover single-blessedness as a purpose towards your perfect love story ever told upon reading this book.

No, it’s not what you think. It’s not like those fancy Hollywood movie flicks, which drives us into seventh heaven or those Meg Ryan movies and romance novels that make us wish for a fairy tale like love story. This book introduces us to a more superior way of building one—beautifully written in God’s way.

Why, in the first place, God is the ultimate source of love and the Creator who first formulated the art of romance. Isn’t it?

Written by couples Eric and Leslie Ludy who patiently followed the concept of a God-written love story and are respectable voices of the adolescents towards several issues concerning youth; When God Writes Your Love Story reveals the ‘Four Secrets to an Amazing Story’—practical insights to do for us to get into our ideal love story.

Loaded with inspiration, motivation and several verses and teachings from the Bible, this book introduces us to some patient tips on getting into the right person, at the right moment and at the right time—God’s time.

From realizing God’s purpose on our single years to loving our other halves even before we laid eyes on them; from developing friendly relationships and boundaries towards opposite sex until we meet the right one; from understanding the difference between mere abstinence and true purity to practicing selflessness that will develop us into a better spouse—this book is definitely a must read especially for teens who seem to be overwhelmed with confusion concerning romantic love.

Remember, God is not on a hurry—but He’s always on time. If you wish your love story to be perfect, heaven sent and pleasing in God’s eyes just like millions of readers who have been revolutionized about the concept of a perfect love story; grab one copy now and surrender your pens to God and let him author the perfect love story and be amazed as to how it will be uniquely designed and beautifully written just for you.

So, if your friends still keep bugging you for being single for a long time, just smile about it, and say to yourself “Oh, I’m not really in a hurry. God must still be busy polishing my perfect love story”.

(Here's another good review for the book. Click this link to find out.)


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