Simon Cowell Donates in Idol Gives Back

He’s strict and sarcastic on TV. He’s not generous in giving praises. And to most Americans, he’s the worst American Idol judge among them.

But when the lights are off and behind those camera scenes, Simon Cowell has a generous heart after all especially when it comes to charity. After seeing first-hand children in extremely indigent conditions while traveling to Africa and touring sites in the US last year as part of the inaugural Idol Gives Back campaign, he donated his paycheck right away and had no hesitations in donating his paycheck again this year.

According to other sources, our very own Ramielle Malubay also confirmed Cowell’s being kindhearted for giving her his shoulders after being eliminated in the show.

Charities receiving donations as part of this year’s Idol Gives Back include: The Children’s Defense Fund, Children’s Health Fund, The Global Fund, Make it Right, Malaria No More, and Save the Children.


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